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  • Trans bathroom rights: Transgender people deserve the right to comfortably go to the bathroom that aligns with their gender. There have been no accounts of a transgender person attacking somebody in the bathroom.
  • People refusing service to LGBT+ people: Just recently, the Supreme Court sided with a baker that refused to service a gay couple. How come the Supreme Court can rule in favor of gay marriage, but not letting them have a cake? Refusing services to a gay person because of your religious beliefs is not right. If a religion excludes a certain group of people, how is that truly religious? Religion should be used to find and spread happiness and peace, not to discriminate.
  • It is still common for companies to either reject or fire LGBT+ employees if they come out.
  • Violence against LGBT+ is still prevalent, seen in cases of “corrective rape”, murder, youth kicked out of their homes, bullying, or people being driven to suicide.
  • Slurs
  • Many people practice “tolerance” of the LGBT+ community instead of acceptance.
  • Treating trans people as jokes, such as: crossdressing jokes, portraying them as ugly, portraying them as either delusional or extremely masculine/feminine as part of the joke, or being demeaning to drag queens.
  • Telling gay/lesbian people that they just need to “try being with the opposite sex” to really know if they’re gay/lesbian.
  • Stigma and history around HIV/AIDS and being portrayed as perverted and overtly sexual.
  • Trans people being denied the right to express their true gender identity, or people not considering them their true gender unless they get transition surgery.
  • Homosexuality is outlawed in 72 countries, and still punishable by death in some areas.
  • The many stereotypes of LGBT+ people (flamboyant white gay, man-hating lesbian, etc.)
  • Treating LGBT+ PDA as “inappropriate” or a “bad influence” to children and as something that needs to be censored.
  • Intersex people (those born with genitals that aren’t entirely a vagina or penis) being treated as something that needs to be corrected, especially by the medical field, even if it isn’t necessary.